
Ferrer-Dalmau new corporate website

New corporate website

We are starting June with news: a new corporate website. Our interest in keeping our commitment to innovation and digital transformation has led us to develop this project with the aim of communicating our experience and values ​​to our future partners.

During our trajectory -with more than one hundred years of history- we have evolved to adapt to the market needs; from the beginning, when our business activity was based on the commercialization of machinery for the textile industry, up to the present, with the emergence of new services such as the representation of brands of sustainable products.

The existence of different divisions within the company and the specialization in each one of them has made it essential for us to have a means by which to transmit the experience, philosophy and vision of the future from a more global point of view.With the intention of showing this evolution, at Ferrer-Dalmau we have created a dynamic and interactive space where we can bring added value to our future partners. It is a step towards greater usability and an improved experience for all our users.Climbing is the focal point on the website and it is a metaphor for our business philosophy. 

Climbing a mountain and reaching the top is the premise of every mountaineer. Likewise, at Ferrer-Dalmau we see ourselves as the guide that leads its partners to the top. We present our various ascents to tell our company’s history, “the rope teams” to introduce our team, and the different expeditions to introduce the services we offer. These comparisons serve to express our personalized attention, adaptability and security.

To demonstrate the efficiency of our services, we have included reviews from our current partners based on their experience and professional vision. Thanks to these expedition partners, we are constantly improving and innovating to offer the best services.A clear commitment to growth and internationalization.

Have you visited the website yet? Click here and we will take you to the peak. 


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Donec luctus justo quis metus convallis, ut mattis velit cursus. Integer vitae tempor lorem. Donec dictum sollicitudin enim, eu scelerisque ex blandit vel.Morbi est sapien, convallis eget ipsum at, interdum mollis lorem. Morbi euismod porttitor elit, ac bibendum est accumsan sit amet. Proin vulputate eget mi quis posuere. Cras in quam non leo rhoncus pellentesque at eget tortor. Maecenas euismod, orci et tempor dictum, urna nisl viverra sem, et aliquam nibh est non odio. Nullam nisi ex, gravida ac dolor id, convallis cursus sem. Ut gravida dui sit amet mattis tempor. Aliquam aliquet dapibus varius.

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Pallars, 193
Barcelona 08005- Spain
Phone. (+34) 93 487 40 15